The audit of Kingston Parish Council's accounts for the financial year 2023-24 has been completed and no issues of concern were noted. A copy of the Annual Return including the audit report and supporting documents is now available on this website on our Publication Scheme page (click to open in a new tab/window). Details of public rights of access and how to arrange to view the books and records are given above as well as on thie Publication Scheme page.
The documents for previous years are available to download in pdf format:
The goal nets at the playground are replaced from time to time by the Parish Council at some expense. It is disappointing to find the nets with large holes in them that cannot have happened in normal use. We can only conclude that the damage has occurred through abuse or vandalism. Please keep your eyes open for any such behaviour at the playground and if possible discourage it. If you are aware of misbehaviour and know the culprits, please let the Parish Clerk know.
Fortunately major flooding is not a major problem in the village, but there are some documents available from the County Council everyone should be aware of:
South Cambs District Council has changed its guidance regarding what to do with blue bin overflow. They now advise as follows:
If the blue bin is full, excess recyclable material will be collected if placed in one transparent sack next to the blue bin. Please put any glass in your blue bin, not in the sack for safety reasons. One bundle of cardboard may be left next to your bin if it is of a size which would fit inside the bin if there were space. Please tape or tie into a bundle to assist collection. Please do not use other colour wheeled bins for your excess recycling. You can get an additional blue bin free of charge. Contact: email, tel 03450 450 063.
If noise from your neighbours becomes a regular nuisance, you should first approach the neighbours to try and reach a reasonable solution. If this fails, you need to contact South Cambs District Council Environmental Health department. There is some useful information on this page:
They have a statutory duty to take action where appropriate, but will expect you to have approached the offending party first, and to keep a log of occurrences for a period of time.
We have had several complaints about inconsiderate parking in the village. We know that parking space is at a premium, but please consider your neighbours when you or your guests park. In particular we ask that vehicles are not parked on village greens, which are a pleasant visual feature of our village, intended as a public amenity. If you do not have space on your own premises, the village hall car park can be used as a temporary parking place.
For more parking advice, and an advisory map: click here
To download a copy of the plan in pdf format: click here
There have been complaints from time to time about long grass at this junction resulting in poor visibility for drivers turning towards Cambridge. The Highways Department is responsible for cutting grass verges, and has a programme to cut them. Unfortunately weather variations can result in growth of the grass between scheduled cuts.
The Highways people can carry out additional cuts, but they need to be requested to do so. Please therefore report to the Parish Clerk any problems in this area, so that a request can be passed on to the Highways Department.
These are the expected dates for meetings of Kingston Parish Council in 2024, but are subject to confirmation nearer the time:
9th January, 23rd January (Extraordinary), 27th February (Extraordinary), 12th March, 14th May, 9th July, 10th September, 12th November