Drawing of Kingston village well and pump
Parish Council Agenda

Parish Council Meeting Agenda


Members of the Public are welcome to attend Parish Council Meetings, but may not take part except at the invitation of the Chair.

The Agenda for the next meeting will be published here a few days before the meeting, and a physical copy will be pinned to the Village Noticeboard (located near the Village Hall).

Notice of Kingston Parish Council

The next meeting of Kingston Parish Council (KPC) will be held on Tuesday 9th July 2024 at 7.30pm, in Kingston Village Hall

All members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend for the purpose of  considering and resolving upon the business to be transacted at the meeting as set out below.

Members of the public are welcome to attend the Parish Council Meetings but may not take part except at the invitation of the Chair.


Sue Dalgleish

Chair, Kingston Parish Council

Dated 19 June  2024



  1.          Apologies


      2         Approval of previous minutes of the Parish Council meetings:-


       2.1      Minutes from extraordinary meeting 14th May 2024

       2.2     Minutes from meeting 21st May 2024


      3         County Councillor’s report

      4         District Councillor’s report


   Matters ongoing


      5         Cranes Lane – road surface/pot holes/water issues  (PW)

      6         Surface Water and Flooding in Kingston (PW)

      7         Village hall car park ownership (MN)

      8         Play Park repairs (SD/PW)

      9         Grass Services Contract Tender Update (SD/PW)

      10       20mph speed limit in Kingston (PW)

      11        Open Spaces Report (MN)


  Matters arising


      12       Orchard Tea Party (SD/ME)

      13       Parish Council Publication Scheme Documentation (MN)

      14       New Parish Clerk Recruitment (SD)

      15       Village Hall Ownership Transfer Documentation (SD)

      16       Invoices paid and for approval

  17       Bi-monthly financial report (JC)


  18       Items for next meeting to be held on 10 September 2024


  19       A.O.B

Parish Council Meetings

These are the expected dates for meetings of Kingston Parish Council in 2024, but are subject to confirmation nearer the time:

9th January, 23rd January (Extraordinary), 27th February (Extraordinary), 12th March, 14th May, 9th July, 10th September, 12th November

Annual Village Meeting

21st May 2024